system hacking
types of password attacks non-electronice attacks active online attacks passive online attacks offline attack ==================== active online attacks trojan/spyware/keylogger/usb drive dictionary brute forcing rule based attack Hash injection attack =========================== default passwords switches routers hubs online tools to search default passwords ==================== passive online attack: wire sniffing attackers run packet sniffer tools MITM and replay attack ===================== offline attack: rainbow table attack === rtgen and winrtgen compare the hashes easy to recover offline attack: distrubuted network attack elcomsoft : distrubuted password recovery microsoft authentication SAM NTLM authentication == NTLM auth process LM authentication kerbros authentication how hash passwords are stored in windows SAM C:\windows\sysytem32\config\sam password salting pwdump7 and fgdump password cracking tools L0phtcrac...